Dear Potential Business Partner:Dad Club London (DCL) is a registered non-profit composed of 1300+ engaged fathers representing Oxford, Elgin, and Middlesex counties. Our mission is to create better dads and a brighter future for our children through supporting each other as fathers and giving back to our community.This year is our 10 year anniversary and we are proud and humbled by what we have accomplished thus far. In September of 2017, we held the First Annual DCL Golf Tournament. This event raised funds to provide an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to every London high school.Due to the success of this event and media exposure of our plight, we were able to more than double our goal and equip 21 local elementary schools with AEDs as well. Undoubtedly, DCL and our sponsors saved lives. Our events continue to grow even bigger and in under 10 years we have raised just over $180,000 to support charities and families in the London and surrounding area.This year, we turn our focus to Ronald McDonald House Charities Southwestern Ontario. In Canada, 65 percent of families live outside a city with a children's hospital and must travel for treatment if their child is seriously ill. Ronald McDonald House London is a place where out-of-town families with seriously ill children can stay for as long as they need - only 165 steps from Children's Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre. By providing a private room and bath, homemade dinners, laundry facilities, and other comforts of home, we are able to help bring a bit of "normal" to families with sick kids while lifting some of the financial burdens weighing on parents. RMHC-SWO provides this support to families, entirely through public donations and fundraising, and receives no government funding. This year our goal is to raise $20,000 which will directly benefit two programs at RMHL; Meals from the Heart and The Ronald McDonald House Family Room within Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre.We’d love to have your sponsorship support for this amazing initiative. This year we will be offering a new level of sponsorship: a platinum level year-long sponsorship program. For a minimum of a $500 donation (any more would greatly be appreciated!), you will be featured on our website, promoted on our social media posts/any on air media and directly to our members on our private Facebook page until we meet our goal! We’d like to thank you very much for your time and consideration. I would love to discuss partnership opportunities at a time convenient to you.Although sponsorships are not tax receipt eligible, we can provide invoices and receipt letters for your accounting purposes and be sure we will go the extra mile in making our members and followers aware of your generosity. On behalf of fathers across our region and their children, we thank you.Chris Burton - CB7PresidentDad Club London
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