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About dad club london

Dad Club Londo - Dad Walking with Kids

Our story

Founded in April of 2013 by Jeremy McCall and Mark Burke, Dad Club London (Ontario) is a registered non-profit with a goal.

This goal is to be the go-to resource for fathers and pending fathers, where they can network with other like-minded dads, give and receive help, and become more involved in their community.

We frequently get together for events, fundraisers, and play dates. We share wisdom and information, and support the London community as often as possible.

For over nine years, we have watched our organization grow from two to fourteen hundred members. We have hosted almost 500 events with over 10,000 attendees, and raised over $170,000 for important local causes. In 2017 alone, we hosted more than 100 events, and raised $53,000 to purchase AEDs (automated external defibrillators) for schools in the TVDSB.


We strive to be something meaningful in some way to as many people as possible. Check out our blog, social media accounts, and even fill out our registration form to gain private access to the beginning of a shared fatherhood journey full of lifelong memories and friendships.

Our Accomplishments

October 2018 - Boys and Girls Club Coats for Kids

Dad Club London raised over $1500 and collected over 500 coats to be donated to to the Boys and Girls club of London.

Cheque for $1500  to Coats for Kids
2018 Coats for Kids Coat Drive
2018 Coats for Kids Drive
Annual Christmas Campaign

Annual Christmas Program - Every year we raise thousands of dollars to purchase presents for both families within our organization struggling to buy gifts, as well as for children in shelter at Anova over the holidays.  In 2016, five families got a $500 sponsorship and thirteen more got one present per child, and Anova received $2200. In 2017, four families received a $500 sponsorship, Anova received $2000, Rotholme received a special delivery on Christmas eve, and the Men’s Mission and Salvation Army Centre of Hope received soup, sandwiches, socks, coffee, and granola bars for 100 residents.

Christmas Campaign Toy Donation
Christmas Campaign Toy Donation
Christmas Campaign Toy Donation
DCL Christmas Toy Donation Campaign

2018 - Mudmoiselle - We were a title sponsor and helped raised over $100,000 to fight cancer!

2018 - Dads Do Back To School - Dads and their families brought enough school supply donations to our annual family BBQ to fill the back of a mini van for Life-Spin to help meet its goal of 300 stuffed backpacks for children from low income homes.

2018 - Started the annual Bob Jez Scholarship Award. This award is named after Dad Club London member and local teacher and coach Bob Jez; who passed away in the fall of 2017 This award is given either to a member or part of their immediate family who is entering into a post secondary program and demonstrates financial need.

Bob Jez Scholarship Award Cheque

2018 - Raised $800 to help alleviate the financial burden experienced when a member was suddenly killed in a freak accident in his garage.

2018 - Our golf tournament raised $12,500 for KidSport London.

2018 - Demo Day for Charity

In one days work, we raised $2500 for KidSport London, $1000 for ChildReach at Children’s Health Foundation, $500 for SafeSpace London to start a food bank, and $1200 for Dad Club programs.

Demo Day - Kidsport London
Childrens Health Foundation Cheque
Cheque for Safe Space London
December 2017 - Men's Mission Campaign

Donated soup, hot chocolate, coffee, warm socks and gloves to handout outside the Men's Mission on Christmas Eve.

Dad Club London Donates Socks
DCL helping out at Men's Mission
Dad Club London at Men's Mission

2017 - Mourning family Donation - Raised $2200 for the family of a member whose wife passed away unexpectedly in the middle of the night, leaving behind four children under six.

June 2017 - The Salvation Army Water Drive

The Salvation Army put word out to the public that they were in desperate need of water bottles for the homeless heading into the very hot summer months. We took it upon ourselves to take care of the problem altogether. Within a week we were able to donate multiple skids of water bottles and were able to fill the Salvation Army's need for the entire summer.

Salvation Army Water Drive
Salvation Army Bottled Water Drive
DCL donates water bottles
Salvation Army Water Drive
Salvation Army Water Drive

2017 - St. Thomas Hate Crime Victims Donation - Dad Club London raised $1000 for the family that was attacked by a bat wielding man in a St. Thomas parking lot, simply because of the colour of their skin.

2017 - Raised $53,000 to purchase AEDs for TVDSB schools. We were able to purchase 33 defibrillators in total, to outfit every high school that did not have one, and twenty-one elementary schools as well. It is estimated that upwards of two lives will be saved every year using a defibrillator on Thames Valley District School Board grounds.


2016 - London mugged teen fundraiser - Dads raised $330 to provide a greeting card and present to a London teen who was beaten and mugged for his iPhone by eight older teens.

meet our board of directors
Gary Bezaire and his family
Chris Burton
Gary Bezaire

Vice President

More About Gary

Jeremy McCall and His Children
Jeremy McCall

Past President

More About Jeremy

Green Mug Front.jpg
Derek Brochu


Chris Munday


Cory Asselin


red mug front.jpg
Blair Hough


Patrick Taylor and his family
Jay McDonnell and his daughter
Patrick Taylor
Jay McDonnell


More About Jay

Nick Tountas


Frank Emanuele and his children
Frank Emanuele

Director of Diversity and Inclusion

More About Frank

Our Passions

Our Mission

To create the best, most prepared and confident dads in the London area, and empower them to create the brightest future possible for our children.

Our Vision

A community and network of confident, engaged, supportive, and prepared dads throughout the Oxford, Elgin, and Middlesex counties.

Our Values

We are dedicated to providing a innovative and connected safe space in which fathers, fathers-to-be, and those contemplating fatherhood can learn and teach how to be a prepared and successful father figure to the children in their lives.

Our Purpose

Support fathers in their journey of raising their children
Educate our community about the value of a father figure in the life of a child
Eliminate barriers, dispel stigma, and promote equality throughout our community

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