The fine ladies of Mom Club London have challenged our membership to a donate-off. A donate-off is when your back and knees are too sore for dance battles and walk-offs, you can’t understand what they’re yelling about in that new music the kids like, and things officially get really real.

One of our mandates is to build as strong of a community as possible for our children. Part of a community’s strength is building up even its weakest members.
Life-Spin is an organization that MCL and DCL both strongly believe in. They are a rare flower in a field of cactuses when it comes to non-profits who are really in it “for all the right reasons”, like they are a charitable version of a bachelor contestant.
Life-Spin has a free store, where people in demonstrated need can literally walk in off the street, prove their level of need, and take items that help them build a stronger home and family.
Over the week of March 19-25, we are challenging our members to set aside one item per day that matches the criteria on the attached poster. On March 27-29, we are asking our members to deliver their donations to Life-Spin, and take a selfie in doing so. Post it on social media with the hashtag #lifespinwinDCL and we will use those photos to judge who is the more generous group.
More details on the below image with regards to what is needed and where it goes. Let’s show these ladies who have the biggest hearts! (hint: it’s us. we are physiologically and anatomically larger beings. Now let’s prove it).
If anyone wants to donate but doesn’t have a car and needs help getting their stuff to life-spin, post a message in the group or send an email to info (at)