Day 7: Tuesday - Averil's Coming Home!
1:16am Rosie wakes with another bad dream. Trip to bathroom, sip of water and back to bed no issue.
5:56am-6:36am Harvey try’s to get up. Hilarious. Get him down – back to bed I go. He’s quiet for 15, then back at it. I go in again, we have a conversation about being up too early. He goes back asleep. I’m up however. Coffee. Now.
Just under 10 hours until I see the love of my life and the kids see the most important person in theirs.
6:47am-8:38am He officially starts his day. Rosie is stirring, but she can’t get up yet. That glorious rule. It’s a school day! Which means I can probably nap when he does. I am tired.
Harvey’s nose is running. It’s clear. Hope he is not getting sick but at least it happened on my last day alone with them.
They eat plain Cheerios with honey on top. Should have saved a step and just bought Honey Nut Cheerios. Rosie needs to wear a dress to school to celebrate mommy coming home today. I try to convince just to change after school as she won’t be home till supper time. But I can see it will break her vibe. So the Cinderella dress is fine by me! I let her pick Harvey’s outfit for the day, it’s hilarious. Pajama bottoms, flannel shirt and a bow tie. I didn’t even know we owned a bow tie. I will change him after she goes to school.
Lunch packed. I’m ahead of schedule. Amazing how things come in line when the kids are happy in the morning. I have time to shower. It feels wonderful!
Couldn’t find balloons in the house. I know we have some. Off to the dollar store we go. Bus ride after school. Rosie says we HAVE to have balloons. Who am I to disappoint?
9am-11:21am Harvey is loving life today. Dropped off Rosie and school, hop on the bus and start our day. We hit PetSmart where he goes bananas for a gerbil thing running in a wheel and some silver tip sharks, maybe it was a fat mouse? Pick up cat food. Hit Dollarama, get some balloons and batteries for his Thomas cell phone that only plays 3 seconds of a song on repeat non stop and our Apple TV remote that only works when it wants too. Drives us insane. Hit Home Depot to see about a gazebo cover. Didn’t like anything. Hit the Loblaws to buy quiche and diaper genie refills. The latter really important. Forgot to bring a snack, so I buy some baby organic cereal bars and give him one. Worker stops me and says it’s frowned upon, because some people steal that way. Shit. He’s on to me. Like my 2 year old kid is going to crush 8 of these things in the 13 seconds I have to walk to the cashier while I eat the packaging to conceal it.
Feed him lunch. I’m still on a roll today. Polar opposites from yesterday and I had the same amount of sleep. Weird. Maybe it’s because it’s way easier dealing with only one kid at a time. I do miss Rosie though. Even though these guys push my buttons and test me everyday, they are the reason I breathe.
12:20pm-1:47pm Put the little guy down. And begin to blow up 24 balloons for mommies welcome home party. Yeah!
Need to go outside to clean up the backyard it’s a disaster still from yesterday when Morgan was over. I can hear kids playing at Rosie’s school. I wonder if some of these squeals are hers? I miss her face.
I’m so glad I got this time with them. It will be hard to go back to work tomorrow. I have a lot of stuff to catch up on.
Just remember I was supposed to put Rosie’s school library books in her bag today. Oops I did it again. I played with your heart. Got lost in the game.
The recycling truck just picked up our stuff and decided right in front of his window to crush and bounce everything around. He’s awake now. Shortest nap of the week.
1:50pm-3:30pm Averil’s in Toronto but her plane is delayed to London. She thinks 20 minutes. Feels like a lifetime.
I have been doing a good job keeping the house clean and organized. Dishes done. Laundry Done. Swept. Now to vacuum. Crap. Forgot our old Bissell bit the big one a couple weeks ago. Our house came with central vacuum but we have never used it. Our home inspector tested it and explained it to me. I’m sure it’s fine.
Harvey wants to help. Bring it on. We dig it out, figure how to attach it and give it a whirl. It’s wonderful. Works great!
Harvey is playing with his trucks. He has them all lined up and I hear him say “want to go to the park guys” then “sure, let’s go” and he moves them from the table to the couch and says “park .. yeah!” This is the first time I have really seen his imagination pan out, usually he just bangs things around while babbling or making train noises. It was perfect. I will hold on to how adorable that was, forever.
Either he pooped… or I did. Time to change him and get Rosie from school. It is so stinky.
Rosie can’t wait see her mom. Not much longer now. I keep the kids at the school park to burn off some of their energy before mom comes home.
3:37pm-7pm We get home and clean up – I start getting supper ready.
Averil gets home just after 4pm. She is exhausted and they are not going easy on her at all. Both vying for her attention. Acting out when the other is in her arms.
We eat. We play. We talk. Think Harvey may have a fever… so glad she is home.
8:14pm-10:37pm Both kids struggle with bed time. Averil is half asleep. Harvey wakes up crying at 9pm. She goes to bed at 9:33pm. I’m not far behind her. I’m alone again. Just got to feed the cats… hope he doesn’t puke.
And so ends my adventure, it was worth every second. Every smile. Every tear. Every hug. Priceless. They tested me. I won some. I lost some. They respected me. They didn’t. I am changed because of this, and for that reason I would do it all over again in a heart beat.
Harvey is definitely sick.
To all of you that live this each and everyday… I commend you. You are worth your weight in gold and your kids are lucky to have you.